Thursday, February 26, 2015


     I would like to welcome myself and all other glorious degenerate to my blog. I am relatively new to the internet and hopefully I won't become as consumed with it as some might be. I do have a life outside of this box we call the computer, and it is a very busy one. That's why here, in my blog, I myself am just going to try to focus strictly on art, and what I've tentatively called radical death.
     Radical death is kind of a simple term, but it explains how I get through the stages of artistry as I know it. People have called it 'thinking outside of the box' but being radically dead is a little more than that. It is a complete abandonment of all concepts we think we know about life and how societal norms, mores and laws force us to conform our art through those filters. It is what generates fear in us, and prohibits us from expressing the art that gnaws on our souls. Now there is a caveat that is needed here. Radical death is NOT a license to violate the law. An example would be child pornography. Child porn is not art. It is filth from the bottom of the cesspool of the human experience. But in saying this, what is child porn? Is it a mother taking a picture of her naked newborn as she gives the baby a bath for the first time, or is it the strictly and solely child sex trafficking and the recording of it through various media on the streets of any given nation? In my mind, the first example is art. The second is as it should be - a long jail sentence in a supermax prison with a bunkie named Bubba that likes to put lipstick on when no one is looking.
     That is radical death in art. It is an exploration of those issues that cause us to keep from putting pen to paper, paint to canvas, or music to vinyl (I'm old school and I LIKE IT!), and freeing us to do whatever it is that we do in our chosen genres. Another example pertaining to this issue is political correctness. Political correctness is a scourge on mankind. It is cerebral terrorism. I'm sorry if you don't like the words I use when I write. But now that I think about it, I don't ever remembering asking for anyone's permission to use various words because they may be labeled 'offensive'. Look at some of Bosch's paintings. Did he fear offending the church with his visions of hell? No, I don't think he did, and now look at the priceless artifacts we have from his era. Another example is Giger. Giger was a pervert, but his perversity is what helped him create some wildly enduring works of art (remember the movie Alien? Giger). Another example is Marilyn Manson. Personally, I don't like the dude's music because I feel it is narcissism in the extreme, and that goes against my natural grain, but he does put out some pretty incredible videos. And in watching those vids, maybe that's what we all need before we begin our craft. A little dose of extreme narcissism.
     The bottom line to all of this is that we need to die to those things that inhibit us in our art by ripping those things to shreds in a wild orgy of animalistic fervor. We need to encourage one another to take just one more look at what we believe to be true in our artist's life, and in doing so hopefully we will all give the world the gift of our giant footsteps on this planet we call Earth.
Thanks for listening
Drive carefully.

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